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                Annual Meeting of China’s Environmental Civil Society Organizations on Sustainable Development


                  Annual Meeting of China’s Environmental Civil Society Organizations on Sustainable Development

                  Since 2006, ACEF, jointly with other NGOs, has successfully organized 6 sessions of the Annual Meeting of China Environmental Civil Society Organizations (ECSOs) on Sustainable development. About 450 ECSOs participated in meetings, which were widely covered by the public media. The ECSOs Annual Meeting has become a regular mechanism for the Chinese ECSOs to meet and share information, and to discuss ways and means for cooperation among them for environmental protection and sustainable development. The meeting aims to promote mutual understanding and strengthen cooperation among the ECSOs, and to discuss the role and activities of ECSOs in environmental protection.

                  Representatives from the influential Chinese ECSOs attend the meeting and make speeches and presentations. Top leaders of the State Council, National People’s Congress (NPC), Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) and relevant ministries, representatives from international organizations, foreign embassies, media and so on also participate.

                  (This English version is for your reference only.In case any discrepancy exists between the Chinese and English context, the Chinese version shall prevail.)