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                Position主页 > Home > Departments >


                  General Affairs Office :Responsible for administrative, financial and logistic affairs.

                  Tel: 86-10-51230000

                  Fax: 86-10-51230006


                  Department of Membership : Responsible for membership applications, communication and liaison with members, survey and research, preparing for members conferences, and duties related to the Board of Directors. 

                  Tel: 86-10-51230012

                  Fax: 86-10-51230006


                  Department of International Cooperation :To organize cooperative projects and activities with CSOs in foreign countries, UN agencies, other international organizations and foreign governments.

                  Tel: 86-10-51230007

                  Fax: 86-10-51230006


                  Department of Public-interest Activities & Programmes :Cooperation with domestic environmental NGOs and other civil society organizations, managing relevant projects and activities, and capacity building.

                  Tel: 86-10-51230010

                  Fax: 86-10-51230006


                  Environmental Legal Service Center :Responsible for the protection of environmental rights of the public, and providing legal assistance to the public, enterprises and other organizations whose environmental rights are violated according to relevant laws.

                  Tel: 86-10-51230021

                  Fax: 86-10-51230022


                  Department of Forum and Exhibition : To organize the Forum on Environment and Development (FED) and the China International Exhibition of Achievements in building Environmental-friendly Society, and organizing relevant projects and other social activities.

                  Tel: 86-10-51230009

                  Fax: 86-10-51230062


                  Zhonghuanlian (Beijing) Environmental Protection Co. Ltd./ Development Center : Development and implementation of environmental projects.

                  Tel: 86-10-51230063

                  Fax: 86-10-51230016


                  (This English version is for your reference only.In case any discrepancy exists between the Chinese and English context, the Chinese version shall prevail.)