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                Position主页 > Home > About ACEF >

                Organizational Structure


                  1. Leadership     

                  Chairman : Dr. Song Jian, former State Councilor, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)  and President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE). He is an Academician of both Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and CAE

                  Secretary General: Mr. Zeng Xiaodong, former Vice Minister of State Environmental Protection Administration, China

                  2. Board of Directors

                  Members and Executive members of the Board of Directors include:                                                 

                  - Current or former leaders at ministerial level and senior officials from National People’s Congress ,  CPPCC and the Government;

                  - Representatives from environmental civil society organizations;

                  - Famous experts, professors, entrepreneurs and other celebrities;

                  - Representatives from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan;

                  - Individuals who support environmental protection and have made outstanding contributions.

                  3. Membership

                  Anyone who is enthusiastic about and support environmental protection and sustainable development could apply to become “individual member” of ACEF. Any enterprise, civil society organization, with the exception of polluters or entities without good environmental image, could apply to become “entity member” of ACEF.

                  (This English version is for your reference only.In case any discrepancy exists between the Chinese and English context, the Chinese version shall prevail.)