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                EGP-Guizhou Project Successfully Concluded in Guizhou Province on March 12, 2015


                  On 12th March, 2015, the final conference of EGP-Guizhou Project was held in Guiyang, Guizhou Province which marked a successful conclusion of the Project after three years’ implementation since 2012.

                  EGP-Guizhou Project “Improving access to environmental justice to protect people’s environmental rights in Guizhou Province” is one of the 15 local partnership projects under the EU-China Environmental Governance Program (EGP) within the field of China’s environmental governance funded by the European Union. The goals of this project focused on improving the Guizhou Province’s access to environmental justice, protecting the public’s environmental rights, and contributing to the improvement of China’s environmental governance, and six work packages have been carried out including conducting a baseline survey, raising public awareness, engaging in capacity building, formulating policy recommendations, disseminating work and achievements and the entire project management.

                  Jointly implemented by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL), All-China Environment Federation (ACEF), Guizhou International Cooperation Centre for Environmental Protection (GZICCEP), and Guiyang Public Environmental Education Centre (GPEEC), this three-year project focused on the Guizhou Province, and all major stakeholders have been involved including the general public, local governmental institutions and public environmental institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), local judicial authorities, law firms and volunteer lawyers as well as China’s legislative organs. Polluting enterprises have also been addressed. Great efforts have been made by the project to promote the general public’s access to environmental justice and build know-how within local governmental institutions, judicial authorities, law firms and volunteer lawyers and non-governmental organizations, etc.

                  Please see below or visit the project website at www.egp-guizhou.com for more details about the project activities and outcome.

                  (This English version is for your reference only.In case any discrepancy exists between the Chinese and English context, the Chinese version shall prevail.)